Goodreads Giveaway

Drop by GOODREADS for a chance to win a signed copy of Cutting to the Chase.


  1. Nice book trailer! Curious, did you make this yourself or did Evernight do?

  2. Thanks! It's just me playing around. 😀

  3. Thanks for your reply. I've thought I would try this myself. One more question. Are you using Photo Shop to create your text boxes your interview posts? The overlay looks great and reminds me of photo apps for Instagram. My husband thinks I need Photo Shop Elements. So far, I've been able to take advantage of free tools online. I also think your series for YA authors is a great idea. I've done a lot of series at my blog (Not YA specific) and it has generated a lot of traffic over time.

  4. I play with a variety of free apps but Fotorus is my favourite. That is what I used for text. While this formatting for interviews is time consuming, I'm enjoying getting glimpses into the lives and writing styles of various writers I might not otherwise "meet." Cheers!

  5. Thanks, Rose. Definitely checking Fotorus out. Networking with other bloggers is time-consuming too but worth it. I would not have discovered Fotorus today had I not :) Good luck with your latest book! If you haven't discovered them already, the Insecure Writers Support Group is wonderful. They blog first weds of every month.
